To Create a Mindset, You Must Rehearse It!

For the most part, your mind learns through repetition. This is why any skill or activity
can be learned through practice i.e. "repetition" - until it becomes automatic. It becomes
automatic when your mind finally "gets" it. Whatever it is that you're doing repeatedly,
either consciously or unconsciously, your mind picks up on it and assumes that you want
to learn it. So, it starts paying attention to the repetitive task and begins to learn it better
and better each time it's repeated.
Primarily, everything is learned through repetition, through rehearsal.
And, this is where most of us fall short. We don't rehearse, we don't repeat the lessons
long enough for the mind to get it and make it a part of who you are.
Most of us read a great success book one time and think everything will change. If only it
were that easy.
Successful people read certain books over and over till the book is falling apart!
Why? Because they've learned the most important lesson about success. That, you have
to continue to feed positive information and success advice to your brain every single day
– until it gets it!
It doesn't happen overnight. It can't. Most of us have years and years of negative conditioning and beliefs to work through.
That is why repetition is so important! More important than most other things.
Rehearse a task - or even a mindset - until you master it. I use a program called The Secret Achiever and love it. Check it out here

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