Is Television a form of Mind Control?

We spend hours watching Television:

Sometimes it's watching our favorite show. Other times, it's to catch up on the news and other events of the day. But how do we know that everything that is reported is the truth? We watch news programs and documentaries believing that what we see is actual fact. Reports and information that are put accross the airways are supposed to be true. Right? Not always.
The best way to put a thought or idea into a person's head is to use the quickest method that reaches the largest number of people. Mass media, such as radio and television reach thousands of people each day. Information is repeated over and over as if it's on a playback loop. Breaking news is played live and then shown repeatedly throughout the day. This constant repetition embed's the information into our thoughts. Do we know the whole story? Probably not. Information is covered up, altered, or even left out altogether. We are told only what others want us to hear or what they want us to believe. Many viewers do not question the information they see on television. They assume that just because it is shown on the tube, it is accurate information. This is not always the case.
When a commercial is aired on television, all of its claims must be true. If not, they can be in trouble for bad advertising or making false claims. If the products we purchase are supposed to be advertised with complete honesty, then the news stories we watch should also containt the same honesty. Just because the information is repeated several times and embellished upon, does not make it accurate.
It is believed that mind control has been used for centuries to get people to do the bidding of others. Convincing someone to agree with another person's point of view is not all that difficult. If a person hears a concept over and over enough, they begin to believe it and all the hype that goes with it. Making a person or group of people believe a concept or thought pattern can influence them to do things they may not normally have considered.

Television commercials are perfect examples of mind control tactics:

Take a look at foods that are geared towards children. They are made out to be fun and nutritious but are actually full of sugar and additives. Many cereals are represented by cartoon characters and offer the chance of a toy in the box. Children are taught that the cartoon characters are their friends. The cereal itself is colorful and can have a variety of shapes and flavors. Colors and shapes make food visually appealling to toddlers and older children.
Men and women are enticed into watching certain television programs. Commercials that focus on adults may include scantily clad men and women following the old adage that, "sex sells." Many programs play on an individual's self esteem, implying that a person will feel better about themselves if they purchase a certain product or donate a specific amount of money. They are told repeatedly that the only way to get the things they desire, is to follow along and do as they suggest. Compliance with the rules will help things fall into place.
Commercials use catchy phrases to snag our attention. Once we are watching the televsion, they begin to show items that are visually appealing. They hold our attention with information that may or may not be completely true. Slogans and pitchlines are written in such a way to make us believe a product is are better than they actually. Several claims are too good to be true.
Watching television has been described as mind numbing. As we watch, changes take place in the brain. Activity in the higher functioning part of our brain, the neo-cortex, slows down while the limbic area begins to speed up, according to the article "Mass Mind Control Through Network Television". The limbic area of the brain governs primitive responses and allows a person to be more easily influenced. The voice of reason located in the neo-cortex is silenced.
Networks know the effects that certain programs and various types of advertising has on the human brain and they use that information to their advantage. Information and commercials that are meant to influence large numbers of people are played repeatedly during "prime time". Prime time is normally thought of as being family time or when children and the decision making members of the family are gathered in front of the television.
As the networks are in charge of programming, other agencies like the CIA and FCC influence much of what news stations can air or release to the public. They control how much information can be broadcast to the public and in what context. People who violate their instructions are fired or the television shows are done away with altogether.
So the question remains. Is television a form of mind control? Yes it is and it gives credence to the saying, "Don't believe everything you hear!"
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