Lessons from my Lab

I found this on my computer this morning

Dear Daddy, some lessons to assist you in this life

Lesson number one:

To assist you in changing your emotional state I'll teach you that motion creates emotion. This means I wake you up at 5 AM every morning to take a walk. This in turn forces you to act your way into right thinking.

Lesson Number two:

By taking these walks in the morning you can say "thank you" to the universe for all of the things that you are grateful for.

Remember motion creates emotion, don't bother talking to me because I'm already living in the moment and there are far too many sniffies during the walk for me to pay attention to or really care what you have to say.

Lesson number three:

I give unconditional love and compassion to everything (maybe cats, I would never hurt one, they are just fun to chase)

The past is the past. I still love the family that put me in the shelter, (remember the one you rescued me from) because I know they had their own challenges to faces.

I am grateful because you wanted me even though I was about to be taken away from this world.

There is peace in forgiveness. I forgive them

Lesson number four:

You will persist without exception. I don't give up when you don't want to get up and walk or go for a swim with me.

I keep changing my approach until I get my desired result whether that is a walk, swim, belly scratch, potty, or a biscuit.

Lesson number five:

Today I choose to be happy just like I do every day. Yes happiness is a choice regardless of what anyone says. Besides it's no fun to be depressed and it doesn't feel good.

Nothing has to happen in order for me to be happy. I noticed when you are grateful and happy more abundance comes into your life.

Lesson Number six:

There is beauty in everything, find it.

Beauty, like success in all things is individual.

I am the biggest Lab Retriever in the state and you overlooked that and took me home anyway. You saw the beauty in me. Thank you for that.

We are both spiritual beings in a journey learning lessons inspiring others and ourselves.

Oh, one last thing, Prosperity varies in proportion to generosity.

I know it is not the best generosity but you gave me too many biscuits and there is a present in the front yard for you.

I love you

I am grateful to have you as my pet parent

Molly Macdoogal Kendrick

P.S. The things you fear do not exist except as thoughts in your own mind. This is why I make you laugh.

When you laugh at your fears it is the best medicine.

Mix that with love and fear is gone

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1 comment:

Paula said...

Thank you so much for this post. I believe we receive what we need every day and I sure needed to read this! There is a lot we can learn from our pets, unconditional love for one..
Great site!

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