Always, of course, our first goal is to improve your ability to understand everything you read. But this search for understanding does not conflict with a second vital goal – to speed up your reading rate.
Fast readers are good readers. And most people who read slowly do so because of one or two crippling habits they’ve picked up in their School years. Eliminate those habits and you liberate tremendous new-reading speed in yourself overnight.
Since you will be faced with a flood of paperwork in your lifetime, now is the time to build in that speed. Here are five simple tricks that will do it for you automatically:
1. Don’t let yourself point out words with your finger or a pencil. This slows you up. Read with your eyes only. This means your hands must be folded till you turn to the next page.
2. Keep from moving your lips or mouth. Lip-moving slows reading speed down to speaking speed. If it’s difficult for you to stop moving your lips, bite a pencil while you read till you lose the habit.
3. Don’t move your head from side to side. This tires you out and again slows up your reading. Only your eyes should move. Only your eyes need move.
4. Read aggressively. Actively. Tearing the ideas out of the pages with the techniques we are showing you in this book.
5. Learn the habit of skimming and then concentrating as described below. Make every reading assignment a search for main thoughts through a forest of useless words. Skim through 90 per cent those words, and concentrate only on the vital 10 per cent.
And then practice. Practice-practice-practice. Till you become an expert. Till these habits become second nature. Till you can zip through any written page, anywhere.
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Then Visit Warren Banks at . You Can Sign Up For His Free Online Course.
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