It all starts with your inner self, subconscious mind, other self. Whatever you want to call it.
When you squeeze an orange what comes out? Orange juice of course.
What happens when you are squeezed (pressure)? What comes out?
Have you ever had problems in remembering
names, numbers, grocery items needed, and other little details such as
the location where you placed your car keys this morning?
The truth is, we all have our moments of forgetting little bits of
information that matters at the exact moment we need them.
But did you know that memorization techniques boil down to two basic
things? These are ways on how you focus your attention and create a
meaning in correspondence to the information or object
you store in your memory. With memory techniques, you encourage your
mind to be creative while utilizing your innate memory skills.
One of the proven memory techniques known today is called the Link
Method. As mentioned above, enhancing your memory skills require you to
become creative and imaginative which are considered very strong memory
boosters when exercised correctly.
Using the Link approach, it has been proven that an object associated to
the next on the list is less confusing to do, not to mention the order
of the information included are also memorized easier.
The list of items to be memorized can easily be remembered no matter how
irrelevant they are from one another. With continuous practice and
diligence, Link Method allows you to remember things from
the top of your head without getting stuck in frustration in the middle
of urgency. Now isn’t that a good thing? Of course it is.
Let me give you an example. Say you need to remember five items. We can
take the items as the following; a cat, rice, hat, pigeon and fence.
They are entirely different and have no relevance from one
another but remembering these bits of information is a piece of cake
with pure Link Method. What you need to do is have your imagination
working by starting on the cat. Imagine it as a Siamese cat that
eats rice since he’s from Siam. The rice is served in a hat but then, a
pigeon comes along and starts to eat the rice. Seeing this, the cat
chases the pigeon away and ends up landing in the fence.
What you can do in addition to the scene above is to create details for
each character. Try to imagine the colors, location and other important
details as you construct the scene. Experts found out that
the memory skills of a person work very well with colors. However, it is
not so good when it comes to shapes.
Going back to the scene we’ve created, plus points would go for funnier
imagination. Humans respond and capture vivid images that are unique and
funny. It may sound crazy but it’s proven to work.
Imagination and memory is a good pair that works excellent together.
Using it takes less of an effort but requires enthusiasm and
Are you seeking ways to Improve Memory? The human mind is undoubtedly a wonderful tool but memory is a skill that can only be cultivated with some practice and a lot of patience. Anyone wanting to improve memory can learn memory sharpening skills and problem solving techniques with only a little effort.
No one actually has "bad" memory. The problem is that people unknowingly end up developing bad memory habits as early as infancy itself. Because of bad recall habits, people often face problems during examinations, interviews and other circumstances that require efficient memory.
Many people believe that they possess a poor capacity to remember facts, information and experiences in life. However , many ways and techniques, which can be applied at any age, aid in memory improvement. In fact , improving memory is just a method of modulating certain personal habits in order to practice skills that can help in strengthening recall power.
If you are also looking for ways you can improve your memory then the best way to start is by visiting the improvememoryhub. com. By visiting this website, you will be able to draw the maximum advantage of the free memory improvements articles, videos and resources. The website features interactive and skilled audio techniques that can help those suffering with problems of memory loss.
Who would not like to sharpen his/her cognitive function and improve their ability to retain information? Memory improvement techniques are endless and it is very important to effectively navigate through these techniques so that life becomes even easier thereby increasing brainpower.
All of us know that neither memory loss nor the ability to improve memory is dependent on age. Regardless of your age, you can successfully improve your memory. Below are a few ways that can help you to improve your memory.
Proper Diet and Sleep
It is very important to have a highly nutritious diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. Following a proper diet and adequate sleep is also extremely important. Both these things help to optimize learning abilities and keep the body healthy. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been proven to improve brain activity.
Stay Organized
Staying organized helps in reducing stress and simplifying life. Staying clutter free will help you get rid of trivial matters. You will be able to channel your mental energy and focus on things that are more important. Staying organized will also increase your ability to retain more information.
Exercise Your Brain
In order to function at a high level, our brain needs adequate exercise. It is extremely important to keep the brain active and give it enough opportunities to grow. You can involve yourself in crossword puzzles, Sudoku and in playing strategy games such as chess or checkers.
Use Brain Foods
According to studies, certain food items help in improving memory. Some of these items are grapes, apples, blueberries, onions, whole-grain puffed rice, spinach, curry, orange juice, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish and caffeine.
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Learn to accept yourself
The very first step is to accept you – lovingly. No person in the world is perfect so why bother and shed tears over your imperfectness. This is how God wanted us to be – Imperfect! We might have something that someone else may lack and someone else might be endowed with the qualities, which we lack. This incompleteness makes us go out and seek companions who make us feel loved, wanted and complete. Oh what a great feeling! Would we experience it if we were inside the cocoon of our perfection? Never! So accept yourself the way you are. It will free your mind of a heavy baggage of unnecessary worries. You will instantly feel light and cheerful.
Liberate yourself - Go out and do what you like!
How long it has been since you last took a walk among the pines – something that you loved as a child? How long has it been since you walked hand in hand with your friend to the bakery and tossed a coin to decide what to buy? These might seem very simple things but these simple things have the power to add on to build great confidence and fulfillment. Life you see is actually quite simple. What gets a bit complex though is to remain simple. Isn't it? Just as small drops of water make the mighty ocean, the little things you enjoy doing have the capability to turn you into a storehouse of confidence. When God made you, He put a desire in your heart and bestowed onto you the capability to achieve it. However, in the process of growing up, you forgot what exactly was your purpose, what is that you liked and what is that you enjoyed doing. It does happen with lots and lots of people who do feel like breaking free but are too tied up in their day to day responsibilities that it gets impossible for them to spare even 10 minutes to reflect on their lives, their direction, their dreams and goals. It's our duty to clear the mess that prevents us from listening to our heart. The conversations with your heart should keep getting clearer and the best way to do it is to find time to do what you enjoy. And since you enjoy doing that activity, it straightaway means that you have all the aptitude and intelligence necessary to do the job effortlessly even though you may not realize it.
Find your flock
Birds of a feather flock together. You must find people with whom you enjoy being with. The energy flow between you and them is natural. Life becomes easy when you are among the people who are more or less on the same plane of thought as you and it's easier to relate to them. They seem to understand you and vice versa thus creating conditions for healthy conversations. A good conversation is a very healthy exercise and an important need of our mind. We all want our ideas to be heard and appreciated and a good company provides platform for the same.
Set Achievable Goals and Go for it!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The idea is to begin with a small single step that can then further developed into giant strides. Learn to do the work at hand rather than to overwhelm yourself by looking at the entirety of a mammoth looking task. Just like the soil underneath your foot, the top of mountain too would someday be under your step. The only way to do something is to Go For It! No matter how small the progress is the focus should be on completing a task successfully even though it's a small task. A series of big uncompleted task is a sure shot way to depression. Break a big task into a list of small tasks to be completed. Tick off from your list each job successfully completed. A completed task no matter how small it is gives a sense of achievement that boosts our confidence and equips us with more energy to try a bigger task.
Let's say you were put in charge of protecting the Emperor of Rome.
Let's also assume you like the Roman Emperor. He's a good guy. He hasn't fed any Christians to tigers or castrated his servant for spilling the wine.
The point is that you're in charge of guarding his palace. How serious would you be about this duty?
I think you'd be would be hyper-vigilant about who is allowed to enter. You'd also be very careful to make sure that the right people are leaving the building.
While on duty, you wouldn't be chatting with friends. You wouldn't be staring at the stars. You wouldn't be thinking about what you're going to have for dinner.
You'd be wide awake. Nothing gets in or out without you knowing. You need to protect the Emperor.
Well, why not be the same way with your subconscious mind?
That's one of the 17 tips included in Tip Sheet that went along with the the Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Handbook I sent you the other day.
Sometimes people just download the main ebook and forget about the Tip Sheet. But the Tip Sheet handy resource. You can quickly print it out on a single sheet of paper. You can then post it somewhere that you'll see it often. If you didn't download it you can still can.
Your eyes and ears are the main doorways into your subconscious. Don't blindly allow anything to enter into them.
Don't sit through TV commercials.
Avoid reading hack novels.
Don't let any DJ on the radio decide what music you listen to.
And, likewise, be vigilant about what comes out of your mouth. What expressions do you use?
How do you react to negative situations? Do you curse and sigh? Or do you take a deep breath, smile and say something that helps the situation?
Guard everything that enters and leaves your mind.
Unfortunately, some of the most cunning negative thoughts enter and leave your mind all the time. They disguise themselves as friendly thoughts. Or at least "harmless thoughts." You think they are helping you. In truth, they are secretly plotting your fall.
Isn't that always the way? Brutus led 40 Roman senators in the assassination of Julius Caesar. Likewise, some of our closest and most trusted subconscious patterns may be out to ruin us.
Even more difficult is dealing with all the traitorous subconscious thinking that has already found a seat in our subconscious senate. How many endless repetitions of Chef Boyardee commercials did you see in the first 12 years of your life? Or were you subject to a verbally abusive parent or sibling?
The point is, self-sabotaging thoughts have already compromised your mental guard. Assassins to your happiness and success already live inside your head.
That's why in my Liberate Your Life program I help your examine your inner most thoughts and memories. I help you sort out which ones are your true friends and allies...
And which ones are stabbing you in the back.
Fill your Mental Senate with the right subconscious patterns and you will become Emperor of your own life. Check out Liberate Your Life if you haven't already:
One of the biggest misconceptions about sleep is that it if you go for a couple of days with no sleep, you will end up losing your sanity. Eye opening discoveries were made a few years ago, and this has changed this great misunderstanding about sleep.
A man named Robert McDonald holds the world record for having stayed up for almost nineteen days with no sleep. All that was reported was extreme drowsiness, and intense difficulty with concentration. Another person by the name of Randy Gardener went without sleep for eleven days and again the same was reported.
These cases cleared the biggest misconception about sleep, which was that sleep deprivation leads to insanity. It is clear that sleep deprivation does not lead to you losing your sanity but in fact here is a really surprising fact for you. In a recent study on over one million participants, it was discovered that those who slept less, actually went on to live a longer life. This excludes the extra time gained by sleeping less.
In some cases, lack of sleep was reported as a major problem. For example , many insomniacs experience hallucinations, slow speech, movement, reactions and poor concentration. This however does not
confirm that lack of sleep can lead to insanity. Hallucinations and other signs of lack of sleep mentioned above are temporary and can be cured upon a good days sleep.
One astonishing discovery made recently on the aspect of sleep is that sleep interferes with memory. Memory has a very clear link with sleep. An experiment conducted on individuals who had not gone to sleep for nearly two days showed that their memory retention on identifying individual faces was weak and difficult for the subject. However the subjects were able to distinguish familiar faces from the unfamiliar ones with a positive outcome. This in some way can be the reason from where, the false theory of insufficient sleep can lead to insanity, may have been derived.
Many people today complain from the lack of sleep and blame many of their health problems due to the insufficient sleep. Experts argue that any association between sleep and health problems almost always emerge weak at best and could without difficulty be explained by other causes.
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From the moment of birth your first emotional experiences establish your subconscious perceptions of the world. There is not a moment of the day or night that you are not affected by your emotions. More often than not it is your programmed emotional states, not logic that control your behavior. Therefore in order to apply the process of Burris MIND/FITNESS you must first understand how your subconscious mind works.
Your subconscious mind flawlessly records everything you have ever seen, felt, smelled, heard, or tasted. Unfortunately it is not capable of interpreting the true meaning of the information it records. It simply takes the information it accumulates, and organizes it into individual programs that determine how you will respond to recurring circumstances in your daily life. Once your subconscious mind has taken certain information and formed it into a program, it will devote its considerable power to the continuation of that program behavior or habit, regardless of the consequences.
Your subconscious programming can be useful. This is what allows you to do things automatically like drive a car, type a letter, or use a computer. If the subconscious did not store this information for you in the form of a program, you would not be able to do these things automatically. The disadvantage to this is that there are some subconscious programs that simply do not work.
At some point in your life you may have been programmed to eat poorly or to respond poorly to a certain situation or to link pleasure to things like smoking, drugs or alcohol. The dilemma later in life is how to change the behaviors that do not work for you.
The bottom line is that there are two subconscious components that activate an emotional state, which in turn determines your behavior.
1) You must talk to yourself which usually begins with a question and
2) By asking yourself a question your subconscious mind will always give you an answer, which in turn produces a correlating picture.
It is from this subconscious picture that your emotional state is determined and in turn determines your behavior.
The Genie Within: Your Subconcious Mind--How It Works and How to Use It
Are you looking for a fun way to reduce stress in your life? Try playing games!
Stress relief games are specially designed to provide that pleasurable escape which helps deal with stress. Playing games for the relief of stress does not have much research supporting it, but many people have seen that games help to reduce stress. It is also known that "brain teasers" and problem-solving games can improve memory and brain function in older people, even those with dementia.
There are many types of stress relief games, depending upon the taste and age of the person. They range from small games, activities, and exercises to challenging and "mind bending" games. Games are very similar in their approach to meditation or any other relaxation or stress relief method.
Stress relief games are divided into two categories - outdoors games and indoors games.
Outdoors games include tennis, football and many other physically demanding games. As an adult, physical games can offer the health and stress management benefits of exercise, and the group involvement can ensure that you'll keep at it.
Indoors games can be Chess, Rubik's Cube, darts, crossword puzzles, computer games, mobile phone games and many others. Mental stimulation distracts your thoughts from the stressful situations that you are dealing with, while at the same time it trains your brain to sharpen your problem solving skills.
The most widely popular indoors games are computer games, which can be online stress relief games (that you play in a web browser) and stress relief desktop games (that you download from the internet and play offline).
Puzzle-based games like Tetris (a long-time favorite of mine) or Bejeweled are good choices for a quick stress break. Other favorite choices are crossword puzzles, logic games and Sudoku.
But what about people who play stress relief games at work?
Studies show that happier workers also do better work (and more of it), so playing stress relief games would seem like the ultimate stress relief tool in your arsenal.
For everyone from deskbound office workers to managers in meetings, stress relief games prove to be a work productivity enhancer, especially if the stress is being caused by a difficult project. Winning a few games helps restore your confidence and puts you in a better frame of mind to tackle that project.
The best way to relieve stress is to play those stress relief games which are easy to win. These games can boost your self-esteem and improve your self-confidence. They make you feel successful and provide the feeling of relaxation - similar to squeezing stress relief balls.
Stress relief desktop games can take your troubles off your mind and keep your stress at bay for an hour or two a day! However, you have to be aware that some games are quite addictive, and you should avoid those if you don't have too much free time.
You will find tons of free online games, which you can play right in your browser. All online games are FREE and you can play them online, so you never need to install any program on your personal computer at home or at work.
Just five to ten minutes playing games can be enough to reboot your mind and leave you calm, refreshed, and ready to get back to the task at hand.
Hypnosis has been used by a number of sportsmen and women over the years to improve their sporting performance. It has been well known that the various techniques used in hypnosis, including NLP and visualizations have positively affected the state of mind and performances of many an experienced player, as well as the amateurs. Though a lot of famous sporting celebrities and athletes have used hypnosis techniques in the past, it is not a very well known fact because of the stigma attached to hypnosis.
Pulp fiction and movies have added fuel to the fire in portraying hypnotherapy as a load of mumbo-jumbo, coupled with Machiavellian hypnotists who are out to control your mind. The truth couldn’t be more different. Over the years researchers have discovered the true potential of hypnosis and recommend it as a one-stop remedy for any malady in life, sporting performance included. A player’s performance in a game is directly related to his/her state of mind; the more confident and calm the subconscious, the better the performance, and vice-versa. Recently ace golfer, Tiger Woods acknowledged the fact that he uses hypnosis and its various techniques to calm his mind before any game. The results of these hypnotherapy sessions are out there for all of us to see. He along with his mental coach Jay Brunza work towards making Tiger Woods’ mind controlled, relaxed and composed. Their one point agenda is to increase Tiger’s concentration and focus, by succeeding in blocking distractions and disturbances. Golf as a game requires a great deal of focus, and if this focus wavers…the game is lost.
Hypnosis works towards recreating images of the perfect move or the perfect stroke required of a player to win a match. The images are visualized by the player in his mind, and repeated over and over, till it has made an imprint in his subconscious. Tennis star, Jimmy Connors is said to have used hypnosis techniques to practice his winning strokes prior to the US Open Championship, which went a long way in sealing his victory at the tournament. Hypnosis also goes a long way in soothing a player̢۪s nerves through calming audios and takes care of the performance anxiety which so many players face before a game. A great sportsperson might fail to leave a mark at a game, if he is anxious and tense. Hypnosis helps them deal with these jitters by smoothening the rough edges of their subconscious mind. Kevin McBride, the celebrated Irish heavyweight boxing champion summons his hypnotist before every game, to get into the right frame of mind. Even golfer Jack Niklaus lauded hypnotherapy and visualization techniques as the sole reason for his improved concentration, which has led him to numerous victories. He says that his game of golf is only 10% physical, and 90% mental; he further adds that he visualizes each of the holes on a course, especially the tough ones and rehearses in his mind the right stroke to master them. He even says that he whenever he plays a shot; he knows exactly the movements he is making and the outcome of each move in his mind, before he hits the shot.
It sounds incredible that hypnosis can help a player in his performance to such an extent. But it is true, and a number of sporting legends owe their pioneering performance to hypnosis. Boxer Ken Norton used hypnosis prior to his penultimate game with Mohammad Ali, where Norton ended up breaking Ali̢۪s jaw; even cyclist Lance Armstrong is said to have used visualization techniques to overcome obstacles.
Memory, an intricate and complex function of the brain, requires millions of neurons to operate in perfect harmony. As we age, we experience memory glitches in which spontaneous memory loss occurs, such as when you can't recall something that is at the tip of your tongue.
Aging causes neuron loss, which can impact your memory of recent events. You might forget where you left your keys or the name of a person you just met. While this is a normal slip due to aging - or even due to an overtaxed mind, there are more serious non-age related types of memory loss. One is when you forget how to do things that you've done many times before or are unable to learn new things. Memory loss that gets progressively worse is also serious. Possible causes of memory loss include depression, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other neurodegenerative brain disorders, side effects from certain drugs, stroke, trauma, and alcoholism.
If you're experiencing less serious memory loss, like having a few more senior moments lately or you are more forgetful than usual, try these memory-improving tips and tricks. (These tips and tricks for less serious memory loss. If you think you might be experiencing a more serious kind, see your physician.)
1. Don't forget to be aware We do so many things automatically: We come home, we throw the keys down, we sit down on the couch, we flip on the television — and many of these actions are done without thinking. Then, the next morning, halfway out the front door, we may suddenly realize we have no idea where the keys are.
This exercise is a helpful memory device: Become aware and be observant of everything. Wherever you put your keys, be aware of it. Be conscious of every little action that you do. And as you're doing each thing, you can reinforce it by making a mental note to yourself: "I just put my keys on the kitchen table." When you do this on a daily basis, this will increase your ability to remember things. Sometimes it is not so much that you're aging, it's just that you're too busy to pay attention.
2. Organized in life, organized in mind When you are organized in your house, you are organized in your mind. Designate a special area for all items. If you take the tool out of the toolbox, always put the tool back in the toolbox where it belongs. Choose a space where you will collect bills or checks — and put them in the same place every time. Having this organization will not only help you remember, it will save precious memory space for you to fill with more important things.
And if you want to not forget to do certain things, make sure you write it down — list-making is another organizational device that helps your memory. Better still, do what you need to do now and don't procrastinate, because memory is fleeting even to the most brilliant, vital person.
3. Seeing is remembering Another trick to help you to remember things is to see them. Many people are visual and remember better with a visual reminder. If there are certain things that you need to work on, put the document out where you're going to see it and remember to work on it. Or leave yourself a note on the breakfast table where you will be sure to see it. Keep what you need within your visual field and you won't forget!
4. Herbal teas to remember Many herbs and supplements have been researched and found to help improve your cognitive capabilities. Sit back and let these herbs keep your brain young and your memory sharp:
Green tea prevents an enzyme found in Alzheimer's disease and is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent premature brain aging. Drink two cups a day to get the brain benefits.
The leaf of the ginkgo tree is shaped like a human brain, and some believe this is why, in Asia, it has always had a reputation of benefiting the mental processes. A dwindling memory and decreased concentration is largely caused by decreased blood flow to the brain and loss of brain cells; ginkgo has been confirmed to boost circulation to the brain and other organs, improving memory and cognitive functions. If you are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking ginkgo.
Western medicine has recently become aware of a nutrient extracted from Chinese club moss that helps to improve learning, memory retrieval, and memory retention. The moss, Huperzia serrata, yields a substance called Huperzine A that is similar to drugs used to control Alzheimer's disease. The Chinese have used it to boost memory, and it is usually brewed as tea and given at a dose of one or two cups per day. Look for it in a health food store or Asian grocery. You can steep the moss itself in hot water, one teaspoon per cup, and drink as a tea, or you can take 50 mcg twice a day in capsule form. Because of its potent actions, you should only take Huperzine A under the supervision of your doctor.
A customized blend of Chinese herbs, featuring some of the herbs listed above, that promotes a clear and focused mind and a sharp memory is Super Clarity.
You can find more information about improving memory — and many other tips for living healthy and happy — in my book Second Spring.
I hope you find your days more memorable for many years to come! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
-Dr. Mao
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Transform your health and bring quality to your years with Dr. Mao's natural health products from the Tao of Wellness.
When I hear about people having dating and relationship problems, I hear every excuse: no time for a relationship, focusing on my career right now, haven't found the right one yet, not living in the right place to meet nice men or women, haven't met one worth keeping, or you simply don't know why love and attraction has eluded you and you feel frustrated.
For all the people that come to me with dating and attraction frustrations, there are as many products out there that promise you the holy grail. They promise to take you in hand and learn how to dress, how to deliver openers and one-liners, they tell you how to behave, how to maximize your statistical chances with the opposite sex, and even how to discover a previously unknown dating rule. Needless to say, when I see a new product come across my desk, I am often a little hesitant to get excited.
At least until now. Slade Shaw from Meet Your has just released a new ebook about achieving supreme self confidence that is going to change your dating life, as well as any other social situations you encounter. Want to develop personal confidence and increased self awareness? Want to overcome self-doubt? Want to develop a social identity and life direction? How about tips to overcome embarrassing social situations and making conversation with strangers?
This 184-page ebook is literally bursting with advice about how to turn around your personal confidence, your social confidence, your professional confidence, your sexual confidence, and a host of concrete confidence-building techniques that will take this advice beyond the page and apply it to your life with fast and life-changing results!
Why would you be interested in it? Because healthy self-confidence is at the root of your life success. Success in your personal life, in dating, in your career, in you reaching your romantic and life goals, is all built upon the belief that you can overcome your fears and setbacks and achieve exponential growth in your life. Without self-confidence, you will never believe you can achieve anything in life.
Do you want to simply accept what life offers you, or do you want to set your own destiny? Are you going to let your life success be determined by the efforts of others, or are you going to make wonderful things happen and inspire others on the way?
Everybody has areas in their life that they feel they can improve on or wish they could do better, and the fundamental first step is in believing that change is possible.
Want to be noticed at parties?
Want to overcome your fears or past experiences?
Want to establish a clear direction in your life and identify how to reach your goals, big and small?
Want to know the secrets to creating and maintaining great conversation?
Want to overcome the shyness that cripples you at crucial moments in your life?
Want to overcome work stress and excel in high-pressure situations?
Want to become sexually confident in dating?
Want to know how to ignite attraction and master your masculine or feminine self?
Want to know how to achieve unstoppable confidence in relationships?
Even for people that think they have what it takes already, there is still heaps in this book that can guide you towards making further improvements. At 184 pages, it's attractively laid out, professionally designed, and contains life-changing information and skills for people who want to make improvements in any facet of their life.
Best of all, you are going to love the price. Check it out at:
Worrying can be helpful. It propels us into action and prevents procrastination. Even more importantly, it protects us from potential perils. But, of course, too much worrying is problematic. Too much worrying boosts stress and leads to anxiety.
But you're not powerless over your worry-filled mind. There are many ways you can retrain your brain to reduce your worrying ways.
Below, Kathryn Tristan shares several suggestions. Tristan is a researcher at the Washington University School of Medicine and author of the forthcoming book Why Worry? Stop Coping and Start Living(available December 4, 2012).
Q: In your book Why Worry? you share how readers can retrain their brains to overcome worry and anxiety. Can you talk about some of these strategies?
A: I believe that worry is part of a psychological immune system that tries to alert, warn and protect us from possible dangers. For the past 30 years, I've studied how our biological immune system protects us with lightning-like ferocity from possible infections from bugs (bacteria), viruses, or anything it perceives as foreign and thus threatening.
When it overreacts, the biological immune system can have devastating consequences such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, among others. So, too, our psychological immune system can go haywire when we overreact to its defenses.
One of the first ways to rewire this system is to eliminate the energy-draining habit I call terribilizing. Instead of envisioning the worst possible (terrible) catastrophe, focus on alternatives that emphasize positive possibilities. I call this possibilizing. As you rewire this psychological circuit, you emphasize "what if I can" instead of "what if I can't."
You can also rewire your brain by redefining your concept of perfection. Most of us would love to live in a perfect world where life is always fair, all people love you, good things happen and bad things do not. Unfortunately, real world always clashes with perfect world.
By learning to ride out the bumps of life, we commit to using all of our experiences as stepping-stones to a more powerful and loving life. Indeed, there is a Japanese philosophy known as wabi-sabi that describes beauty as imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It honors all things scratched, dented or worn. Based on Buddhist principles, this view suggests there is beauty in imperfection.
Another powerful way to rewire our brains is learning to cultivate an inner template for recognizing, resolving, and moving beyond negative mental baggage loaded with blame, anger, and guilt. These powerful emotions amplify worry.
The antidote to blame is gratitude. Adopting an attitude of gratitude replaces faultfinding negativity that only seeds stress and worry.
Another powerful emotion is anger. Whether it explodes outwardly or inwardly, the antidote to anger is cultivating a calm ability to communicate clearly. Learning to productively express emotions prevents them from ramping out of control.
Finally, although guilt can be a useful way of judging our behavior, guilt can also be used as a tool to control someone in unhelpful ways. Although guilt is an emotion that weakens, the antidote of forgiveness empowers. Instead of falling into the "shoulda-woulda-coulda" trap, you focus on being the one who has power, the power to forgive and go on.
Learn more about Tristan and her upcoming book at her website.
Some people appear to be naturally confident - they speak clearly, loudly, people listen to them and they seem to thrive on socializing.
You may be more introverted, and you have always been a little shy. There is no such thing as natural confidence - you too can make changes and be more "naturally" confident too.
Confidence is skill just like spelling, or reading or any other, and this means that anyone can develop it. The reason why these people are confident and you aren't is that they have "learnt" their confidence from an early age - and they have encountered positive responses to their social skills and efforts (perhaps being praised or told they are funny at some point) so they kept growing in confidence. You didn't receive such a positive response, but instead were laughed at even, or perhaps you were told off when you made efforts to become more outgoing, so you became more introverted and less outgoing.
Confidence is all in your mind - i.e. in the way you think and act, and more importantly the things you believe in about yourself. If you can change these patterns of thinking within your mind and re-program your self beliefs then you will also become more confident.
So How Do I Re-Program My Beliefs?
This is where subliminal messaging comes in!
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Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher.
Confucius' philosophy focused on issues of morality, both from a personal as well as a governmental perspective. Confucius taught concerning the correctness of social relationships, justice and equality. His teachings became very prominent in China.
Below are 9 Powerful Life Lessons based on the philosophy of Confucius.
9 Powerful Life Lessons from Confucius:
1. Just Keep Going
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."
If you keep going down the right path, you will eventually get to your intended destination. The hard work is being consistent; anybody can do right for a day. The person who succeeds is the person who stays committed despite the circumstances.
2. Your Friends Matter
"Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself."
Your friends are a prophecy of your future; where they are is where you're headed. It would serve you well to find friends who are going where you want to go.
3. Good Things Come With a Price
"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get."
This explains a lot! It's easy to hate, it's easy to be negative, it's easy to make excuses. It is love, forgiveness, and greatness that require a great heart, a great mind, and a great effort.
4. Sharpen Your Tools First
"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."
Confucius said, "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." Whatever you are called to do, if you are to succeed, you must first be prepared.
5. To be Wronged is Nothing
"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."
Don't sweat the small stuff; to be wronged is no great offense. Don't let the wrongdoing of others ruin your day. Don't let they're negativity occupy your thoughts. To be wronged is nothing!
6. Consider the Consequences
"When anger rises, think of the consequences."
Solomon said, "He that is slow to anger is greater than the mighty." Always remember to keep your temper in check and to consider the consequences.
7. Make Adjustments
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."
If its looking like you're not going to make your goals this year, now would be a good time to adjust your plan. Don't accept failure as an option, adjust your sails, and you will sail safely to your goal.
8. You Can Learn From Everyone
"If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself."
You can and should learn from everyone, be it a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for the picking.
9. All or None
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."
Whatever you do, do it with everything, or don't do it at all. To succeed in life requires your very best, give your very best, and you will live without regrets.
Every person has a phobia of certain things, be it of heights or speaking in front of people. While most people overcome their fears, some are crippled by it. This therefore prevents them from doing things that they would otherwise find enjoyable.
Meditation is one way for people trapped by their phobias to finally get out of their shell and start living the full life.
A definition of fear is that it is the anxiety caused by a perceived danger. It is the state of mind by which a person foresees something wrong happening either to him/her or the people around him/her.
Meditation helps in overcoming a person's fear by altering his/her state of mind. There are several ways by which this practice can help people achieve this.
One such way is called mindfulness meditation. By training the person to live in the now, his/her attention is veered away from the future where that person perceives the danger. Besides, it is only a mere perception and such event may or may not actually happen.
Visualization can also help a person cope with fear by making the person imagine what he/she will do in case the perceived danger comes. By being mentally prepared for such an event, the person will be able to deal with the future situation better.
Again, fear is a mere state of mind. Facing it, therefore, needs some alteration in the person's perception of what may or may not happen. It can be achieved by the practice of meditation.