Top Five Natural Remedies for Depression

Top Five Natural Remedies for Depression

naturalremediesfordepressionNearly 20 million people in America suffer from depression every year.
The conventional treatment for depression that most doctors use is prescription antidepressants; drugs which are effective for many people.
For others, little to no difference is made with conventional treatment. Some researchers even claim that SSRI medication is no more effective than placebo, although this point of view is wide open for debate.
Regardless, for people who are skeptical about taking medication or want to explore other options, the following five natural remedies are worth considering. Of course, you should always consult your doctor. The best class of doctor to consult regarding natural remedies for depression is an integrative psychiatrist.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is said to be one of the most underrated nutrients of all time. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone precursor. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. This is an essential vitamin the body needs to stay healthy.
In 2006 the CDC concluded that one fourth of the population is Vitamin D deficient. Canadian researchers have done 14 studies with 31,424 participants that all prove the strong correlation to low Vitamin D and depression.
In 2006, a study on 80 elderly people showed that those who lacked Vitamin D were 11 times more prone to depression – a number that is shocking, considering most people would never link this vitamin to such a serious disorder.
Safe sun exposure may help raise Vitamin D levels. Being outside with no sunscreen (without allowing yourself to burn) can actually be good for your body. Of course, supplements can also be taken and are proven to help as well.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Researchers have noticed that a sharp rise in depression occurred as people consume less omega 3 fatty acids and more processed foods.
A Columbus University study analyzed 59 patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, 18 of which also suffered from Cormobid Anxiety Disorder. Low levels of omega 3 prevailed among the study group, but were most pronounced in those suffering from anxiety and depression. Although is it not on the front line for treating depression, it is a way to attack it from another angle.


Sam-e is a naturally occurring compound found in almost every element of the body. It helps the immune system, maintains cell membranes, and supports chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine.
Research indicates that Sam-e treatment is more effective than placebo in treating mild to moderate depression. It works more quickly and can be just as effective as prescribed medications without the headaches, sleepiness, sexual dysfunction, and other side effects that occur.
Unfortunately. Sam-e can not be found in food, but it can be prescribed in capsules if you consult with your healthcare provider.

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metal toxicity can disturb brain chemistry, which may cause anxiety and depression, and can also weaken your immunity.
Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mad aluminum interfere with various chemicals in your brain that are associated with depression. Examples of these would be GABA, which contributes to anxiety and a dull intelligence, dopamine, which gives the brain energy and motivation, and acetylcholine, which makes the brain sharp and have good memory.
Ridding the body of the excess heavy metals that harm vital brain chemistry involves balancing mineral antagonists. This dislodges the metals from the tissues into the blood with cheating agents that bind the metals in the blood and prevent them from being re-deposited elsewhere, so the kidneys can properly excrete them.
It is best to work with an experienced health practitioner on a detox plan.

Amino Acid Therapy

Depression and anxiety can occur when there is an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters.
By giving the body specific therapeutic doses of amino acids, we are giving the body the raw materials it needs to feed the pathway of neurotransmitter production and balance brain chemistry.
For serotonin, 5-HTP or tryptophan can be used. For GABA, doses of GABA can be used. Both of these help soothe and calm the brain, which is helpful with depression, anxiety, and also insomnia.
Amino acid therapy is a method that was discovered in the early 1900′s and used up until the 1980′s when other methods, such as SSRI’s became more popular. Amino acids are often used in place of antidepressants and don’t have the harsh side effects. With a doctor’s supervision, it is proven to be a powerful method in overcoming depression.
Depression is serious. Treating depression should be a matter of personal research and consultation with experts. It is worth learning all you can about how depression works!
The good news is, many healthcare providers offer labs tests that reveal the status of Vitamin D, amino acids, heavy metals, etc.. in your blood. This eliminates the guesswork when it comes to assessing your risk factors.
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The Mantras of the Transcendental Meditation Technique by Dr Keith ...

These days we hear a lot of talk about the mantras used for meditation. Some people say a random word is best, others recommend the universal sound Aum or Om. But what about the mantras used in the Transcendental Meditation technique? Are they generic or special? Secular or religious? Useless or effective? And where do they come from? These are important questions so let’s find an answer for them.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless mental procedure whereby an individual experiences increasingly quieter levels of thinking, leading to the experience of total silence; the source of thought, at the deepest level the mind. The technique of Transcendental Meditation has many unique features and one of them is the mantra. As part of personal instruction each student receives a suitable thought/sound or mantra for their meditation practice. These mantras are meaningless sounds which serve as the delicate vehicle on which the mind glides through deeper, more silent levels of the thinking process.

For maximum effectiveness students are encouraged to refrain from speaking or writing down their mantra as this has a damaging and dulling effect on this highly delicate and refined meditation tool. Also, there is a limited pool of mantras that each Transcendental Meditation teacher draws upon to select the appropriate sound for each student. So it’s entirely possible that some students could have the same mantra.

The mantra is selected by the Transcendental Meditation teacher based on the suitability and harmonious effect it will create for each student when properly used. Also, the technique of how to use the mantra is just as crucial as the proper selection of the mantra/sound itself.

It’s important to note that the mantras are used for their sound quality only and have no assigned meaning. These two important aspects, suitability and meaninglessness, allow the mind to be lively but undirected at the same time, so it can sink deep within, ‘transcend’ thought and experience its own silent, inner nature. This is the process called ‘transcending’ which takes place during the Transcendental Meditation technique.

To understand this principle more clearly lets examine the word ‘flower’. A word has two aspects: the sound value and the English meaning. When we say or think the word ‘flower’ we automatically consider the word’s meaning, its qualities and context. We might think of the color, the smell, the quantity, the location and so on and these thoughts about the flower engage and hold the mind on the surface, conscious thinking level and do not allow the mind to fathom its inner nature.

Therefore by intention and by design, the mantra used in the Transcendental Meditation technique is a sound that has no meaning attributed to it either by the teacher or their student. At the same time it should be clear, that if a science, religion or cultural group were to assign a meaning to a mantra, in the past or future, it would still have no bearing on the use of that mantra in the instruction or practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

For centuries “google” has been a delightful, nonsensical sound, uttered by babies. More recently however it has been attributed a meaning; the name of a worldwide, Internet search engine. However this new adult meaning has no bearing on a baby’s use of that same sound. Likewise mantras are sounds that are meaningless both to the Transcendental Meditation teacher and the student even though other people, cultures or religions may or may not have assigned a meaning to them.

To further illustrate this point let’s consider the word “flat”. In the USA this sound has a meaning associated with the shape of an object. In England however, “flat” also refers to an apartment. Therefore, each respective culture utilizes sound and assigns meanings for their own localized purpose. Other languages, cultures and people who also use that same sound or word, are completely indifferent to the meaning assigned to that sound/word by other countries or cultures. The same is true with respect to the Transcendental Meditation technique. It utilizes specific mantras/sounds completely irrespective of their intended meaning in other languages or cultural settings.

The Transcendental Meditation technique and the mantras/sounds it utilizes have their origin in the ancient Vedic tradition which predates all religions and cultures including the Hindu religion. The Vedic tradition is a universal body of complete and timeless knowledge encompassing the total field of natural law, or underlying intelligence, that governs the universe. Because the Vedas and the Vedic tradition are ancient and universal, many of its sounds, names and principals are found in many countries, cultures and religions around the world.

The ancient Vedic tradition of India is the oldest continuous tradition of knowledge on earth. In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed the Vedic tradition (specifically the recitation of the Vedic hymns) a “masterpiece of intangible heritage to humanity”.

The TM technique and its mantras are derived from this same Vedic tradition. Over thousands of years, the technique of Transcendental Meditation contained in the Vedas had been misinterpreted and therefore lost its effectiveness. It was then revived in the 1950’s, to its original and highly effective form, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who was the custodian and representative of the Vedic tradition in our generation.

So we conclude therefore, that the mantras used in the Transcendental Meditation technique not only have their roots in a timeless tradition of knowledge but that they are also simple and powerful, ancient and unique, meaningful and meaningless, all at the same time!

®Transcendental Meditation and TM are registered trademarks of Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation, a non-profit educational organization.


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bombIf you’re struggling with out-of-control anger, you may be wondering why your fuse is so short. Anger problems often stem from what you’ve learned as a child. If you watched others in your family scream, hit each other, or throw things, you might think this is how anger is supposed to be expressed. Traumatic events and high levels of stress can make you more susceptible to anger as well.
In order to get your needs met and express your anger in appropriate ways, you need to be in touch with what you are really feeling. Are you truly angry? Or is your anger masking other feelings such as embarrassment, insecurity, hurt, shame, or vulnerability?

If your knee-jerk response in many situations is anger, it is very likely that your temper is covering up your true feelings and needs. This is especially likely if you grew up in a family where expressing feelings was strongly discouraged. As an adult, you may have a hard time acknowledging feelings other than anger.

Clues that there’s something more to your anger

  • You have a hard time compromising. Is it hard for you to understand other people’s points of view, and even harder to concede a point? If you grew up in a family where anger was out of control, you may remember how the angry person got his or her way by being the loudest and most demanding. Compromising might bring up scary feelings of failure and vulnerability.
  • You have trouble expressing emotions other than anger.Do you pride yourself on being tough and in control, never letting your guard down? Do you feel that emotions like fear, guilt, or shame don’t apply to you? Everyone has those emotions, and if you think you don’t, you may be using anger as a cover for them.
  • You view different opinions and viewpoints as a personal challenge to you. Do you believe that your way is always right and get angry when others disagree?If you have a strong need to be in control or a fragile ego, you may interpret other perspectives as a challenge to your authority, rather than simply a different way of looking at things.
If you are uncomfortable with many emotions, disconnected, or stuck on an angry one-note response to everything, it might do you some good to get back in touch with your feelings. Emotional awareness is the key to self-understanding and success in life. Without the ability to recognize, manage, and deal with the full range of human emotions, you’ll inevitably spin into confusion, isolation, and self-doubt.

Some Dynamics of Anger

  • We become more angry when we are stressed and body resources are down.
  • We are rarely ever angry for the reasons we think.
  • We are often angry when we didn’t get what we needed as a child.
  • We often become angry when we see a trait in others we can’t stand in ourselves.
  • Underneath many current angers are old disappointments, traumas, and triggers.
  • Sometimes we get angry because we were hurt as a child.
  • We get angry when a current event brings up an old unresolved situation from the past.
  • We often feel strong emotion when a situation has a similar content, words or energy that we have felt before.
Bomb with a lit fuse image available from Shutterstock.
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Low Self Esteem Help: Ways To Improve Confidence by Neelima Reddy

Are you feeling down with low self esteem? Well, you should not, and you are not alone. There are a lot of people all over the world that are facing low self esteem. Because of this, there are a growing number of people who need low self esteem help. Do not ever think that this is something that only you are experiencing. This is not an isolated case.

There are a lot of reasons why there is a growing number of low esteem cases around the world. In general, having low self esteem means that you do not have confidence in yourself for quite a number of reasons. If this is the case, you will need low self esteem help.

Remember that no matter how we view the world, or how nice we envision the world should be, there are a lot of those who will put you to the test and bring down your self esteem. This idea of negativity does nothing for low self esteem help and should be dealt with accordingly. Here are some of the tips for low self esteem help you can practice on your own to help boost up your confidence in whatever you do:

• Hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. This means that by hanging out with people who are constructive in low self esteem help is always better than hanging out with those that are destructive. There is a big difference in having to hear positive things and can greatly help a person in multiple ways.

• Remember that you are different from the others. Keep in mind that you are a completely independent person and should not be compared to others. Know your capabilities and keep in mind not to compare yourself to others because of your short comings. This does not do any good for low self esteem help.

• Do not be afraid to make mistakes. This is one notion that you should always keep in mind. Making mistakes means that you are learning and allows for better improvements. Do not take these things too hard on yourself. Put in mind that making mistakes is good for low self esteem help.

• Make the best out of everything you do. As much as possible, try to enjoy the things you get yourself into. Experiencing different things is always fun to do, especially if you have a mindset of improving your low self esteem help. You may also embark on doing things that you already know how to do.

In most cases, trying to improve your self esteem is somewhat a trial and error type of thing. If one does not work for you, then jump to the next. Whatever the case, what is important is that you do the things that you know works best for you, and not what others think is best for yourself. Seeking low self esteem help earlier in life can actually make you a better person in the long run.

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How to Crack Bad Habits

There are thousands of bad routines and thousands of methods to get rid of them.  if you need help, there are guides, organizations, and therapists to help you.  Mostly you can take a sound judgment strategy and get the job done. 

If boasting is one of your bad routines, you could either be vulnerable or far too extremely pleased.  It usually creates the other individual experience bad, or they begrudge you.  You can get a manage on this bad habit if you stop for a short time before you discuss.  Allow yourself a chance to think about others and how this will audio to them.  Think about whether you are informing it to them, or to yourself. 

Another one of these bad routines is name losing.  Again, you may be vulnerable.  Most individuals will not take it in a helpful way.  Try to tell your same experiences but without the titles to stop yourself from doing this.  You might say, "My buddy Brad" instead of "my buddy Kaira Pitt," or something like that. 

Cursing is one of those bad routines that can begin at an beginning age.  You may problem so much that you are uninformed that you are doing it much of enough time.  The vital factor to do is to pay interest.  Whenever you say unsuitable terms, put cash in a jar.  Even if it is your java cash, put it in there.  Also, you might want to think about rage control sessions if your cursing is done in a aggressive way. 

If you have the bad habit of eating with the oral cavity area begin, there may be a actual cause.  It is dreadful at the desk and might create you look bad at a supper conference.  Perhaps all you need is a nasal area decongestant.  Maybe if you can take in through your nasal area, you will near the oral cavity area. 

You may be a whiner.  This is one of those bad routines that irritate individuals from enough time you are a kid until you are old or until you stop it.  It comes out in the audio of your speech and the concept on your experience.  However, it is based in a bad, disaster and gloom mind-set.  Look on the good part, and you will discover yourself crying less. 

Gossips are well known for beginning problems in any team to which they are supposed to be.  These individuals often discover their lifestyles so tedious that they cannot discover anything else to discuss.  Their only subject of conversation is other individuals company.  These individuals can break this bad habit by discovering new passions to think and therefore discuss. 

Nail biting on is a bad habit for individuals of all age categories.  It loss the convenience and claws.  It is not a very hygienic exercise.  People do it out of anxiety, and most of them would like to stop.  Up to now, individuals would use safety gloves, but individuals do not use them much any longer.  You can buy fingernail enhance that preferences bad, though.  That seems to help at periods. 

You can discover a way to get over any habit or bad habit.  Some of them are simple in the general plan of factors.  Others are dangerous serious.  If you look for the right help for your scenario, you can stop your bad routines. 

Procrastination- 4 Essentials for Breaking Through - free article ...

“I have learned that most regrets come from the things I DIDN’T do. I have learned that regret lasts forever.” Simply Brilliant

Procrastination- putting off what you can do today until tomorrow. 7 years, 5 months, and 2 days later you’re wondering why you never started that book. It would have been completed. You could be reaping the rewards and writing full time. You see yourself sitting on the garden patio of your dream home surrounded by towering palms and luxurious flowers. As the ocean breeze glides across your face the telephone rings. You made the Best Seller List. In regret the vision is bright. In procrastination it’s doom and gloom. Back in the present you may be saying, ”There’s too much competition. No one will publish my book”. What if you flip flop the picture so you are pulled towards the intense vision you had in regret like it was a magnet. Why not create that vision sooner rather than later. Procrastination leads to stress, poor health, and regrets that last for life. Action results in fulfillment, life experience, and wisdom. Get the 4 steps to break through procrastination below.

Step 1- What are you procrastinating on? Is it appropriate to hold off or irrational postponement? Will this make a positive impact in your life? Choose the area that you will stop procrastinating and make a renewed commitment.

Step 2- Discover the source to find the solution. Consider when your car doesn’t start. You look for the source of the problem. When you find the source it is easy to take action to make the repair. Look behind procrastination to find what is restraining you. It may be an unpleasant task, lack of interest, someone else’s goal, a large overwhelming project, fear, poor time management, or indecision. Be brutally honest and get to the source.

Step 3- Based on the source; decide if this is a goal you want to keep. If so, choose a strategy that feels good to you. It may mean developing new habits. Discover the source and set up the strategy in a way that you know you will take action. Here are some possible sources and solutions to get your ideas flowing:

An Unpleasant Task/ Lack of Interest- Schedule it at the beginning of the day so it is not hanging over your head all day long. Think of how great you will feel to have it done. Reward yourself when you follow through.

Someone Else’s Goal- Set a boundary...say no or accept only the part of the job that you feel good about. If you can not say no (ex. employment situation) then you may choose to follow the above solution.

A Large Overwhelming Project- Break the project into small manageable tasks. What part can you do? What can you delegate? What is the first step? What daily steps can you take? A great solution for decluttering!

Lack of Focus Due to Multiple Projects- Prioritize the projects then break them down into small manageable tasks as in the step above. Focus on completion of one project at a time.

Fear- What is the fear telling you? Is it valid or an irrational assumption? Usually what we anticipate doesn’t occur. Picture the ideal end result. Affirmations and visualization can help. Focus on how great you will feel simply for having the courage to try. As Eleanor Roosevelt says, “you gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. Your must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

Poor Time Management- Schedule a block of time daily or weekly to work only on this project. Keep the appointments. Begin with small blocks of time (whatever you can commit) until you are consistently keeping the appointments. Then consider committing more time.

Indecision- When you don’t know what to do set a deadline to make up your mind. Then get whatever support and information you need to be able to make an educated decision.

Step 4- Hold an intense vision- Think of that clear, exciting picture that shows up in regret. Allow that to pull you towards it. You have great capabilities when you take action, even if it’s learning in action. Focus on how great you will feel when you go for it! After all, it is through the journey that the great and memorable moments take place.

What project will you stop procrastinating on?

The first action I will take by _____ (date) is _______________________________________ (action). Starting Now! Copyright 2006, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

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Photographic Memory Training Exercises by Greg Frost

Photographic memory training exercises are used to develop and improve and individual’s memory. Most techniques taught in books focus on the ability to retain and recall information when needed. However, photographic memory training exercises should focus on the learning process, rather than the memorization. It is the learning process that creates links in the mind, allowing it to recall the information at a later time.

There are many common photographic memory training exercises, such as list building, word association (also known as visualization and association) and story telling. These exercises are useful in remembering lists such as birthdays, telephone numbers, or your shopping list.

Whilst there is great controversy regarding the existence of photographic memory, it is without a doubt that these exercises when used, can train the mind to improve on its mental capacity and memory.

The best method that we recommend would be the picture game. This is one that can be adapted to use with children or adults, and the best element of this exercise is that it is fun. This makes it an interesting experience, and people are more likely to remember what they learnt and put it into practice. When working with children, it is also a good suggestion to involve a reward, as this will motivate them to work harder and pay attention to what you are trying to teach.

The Picture Game

This is a fantastic exercise for improving your sensory memory, especially your vision. Start with a simple picture that involves at least a foreground and a background. Study the picture for a minute, then put it away and see how much of it you can recall. For example, what were the people wearing? What colour was the house? How many apples were on the tree? These are simple questions which will inspire you to want to recall everything about the picture, making it a great exercise. With constant practice, you can move on to more complex pictures, and soon you will find yourself on the way towards developing a photographic memory!

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