Need a Miracle?

You need a miracle. Perhaps this would be the perfect time for something
miraculous to happen. Like a white bearded, handsome God shining light
down on you saying “Hello down there. I remember you. Here’s an olive
branch with your lifeline. Have this blank check and a gift certificate to
Starbucks. Enjoy.” Wouldn’t that be nice? A juicy ripe miracle every time
we needed one.
So what exactly is a miracle? Each of you has a different idea of what a
miracle is. Before this point, you might have believed that miracles are
only random acts of God. For some, a miracle is an unexplainable act that
no human could possibly accomplish alone. Or maybe you simply define a
miracle as, “something that can never happen to me.”
If your definition falls into one of these categories, or something similar, I
am challenging you to set aside everything you’ve been told and consider
that there’s something more to miracles that you’ve yet to learn.
So you see, a miracle is not necessarily an unpredictable act of God. There
are so many types of miracles that if you opened your eyes, you could see
miracles twenty four hours in a day. In truth, you already have the miracle
gene within you, thus you are a Miracle Maker whether you know it or not.

For Even More Great Information Click Here!
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Advanced Memory Techniques for $5






©Copyright 2009 - resale rights included with sale.


For students, improve your grades with less effort!

But this book is also....

The ideal for any stage mentalist or magician by establishing credibility of amazing skills with an easy to follow instructional book on using the amazing power of your memory.

The ancient Greeks would have power memory contests - they would speak for hours.

The stories would be learned word for word ...

Join the power mnemonists!

The author, Andrew Stuart Gray writes ...

'If you are a student then you are really going to find the techniques that are included in this book are weapons in your arsenal of keeping all that information in your head. You would probably have to buy MANY books to be able to find all the information that you would find here in just one easy-to-read volume.

Research has shown that buy remembering creatively not only will you be able to remember AND recall more with less effort, with more fun and interest, but you will ALSO start to THINK more creatively and be able to connect information in such ways that you can answer questions more fluidly.

But memories shouldn't just be used for remembering facts, you can also achieve amazing stunts with very little effort! How? Read on ....

One of the most important parts of stage magic is to convince the audience that you have gifts and talents beyond that which are naturally available to the average human. And even though most of the time they know there must be some trick to it, jaw dropping power will have them eating out of your hand.

A stage mentalist often relies on tricks, plants and words, though the amazing Derren Brown has blown the lid off of psychological mind bending principles. What is revealed on every page of this book adds to this new tradition of pure skill, which cannot be faked or duplicated, and yet is so simple it is a joy to both show and learn.

After just five minutes of reading the first few pages of this book you will have the skills to memorise and recall a list of 10 items forwards, backwards, or at random, and with very little practice be able to do so in under 20 seconds. But that's not all, you will soon be able to move on to memorise

100's and then 1000's of pieces of information

- whether it be the patter to a new trick, complex moves or the order of the tricks to your stage performance and no longer have to refer to written notes. Perhaps even the memorization of a deck of cards. Or even more! You can even develop this to card counting ... - the bain of every casino.

Look at what you will be able to do

Study and learn quicker

Read a book JUST ONCE and be able to recall the text months, even years later

Remember important key dates

Memorize incredibly long strings of numbers

Memorize a deck of cards - and learn ideas for magic tricks using this knowledge

Remember complex directions given to you by complete strangers

Once you have become familiar with all of these techniques you will be able to choose the most appropriate for the job in hand and amaze those watching. Even in the smallest of gatherings the I have had people beg me to tell them the secrets.

This is not a heavy academic book! It is printed so that you will be able to take your time over it, at your own pace. Yet you can read it in one evening.

Similar materials take a long and unnecessary time to explain what are very simple and ancient principles - don't be fooled by adverts on the web that claim that they are new!

This book crams 8 different techniques, including additional information on study skills, and suggestions for your power memory to start working, and how to use a unique and never before revealed technique of virtual mindmapping* - which I personally use for memorizing huge amounts of information without ever lifting a pen!

I have personally trained so many people in how to use their powerful memory that I am convinced that everyone has genius locked away inside - and this book is as a direct result of years of people asking me to write it down for them.

From 8 year olds to the elderly - I take the greatest pleasure teaching people with dyslexia and demonstrating that they have the most powerful memories of all.

You will be amazed at just how powerful your mind really is!

Included in this book are

Welcome and introduction

Systems 1-8

Virtual Mindmap®*


Lets start easy ...

What about directions?

Telephone numbers

Dates of history

Card memorization techniques

Tips on foreign languages

Beginning to think like a genius!


Timings - and how to review effectively.

This last section is crucial and often overlooked in memory books - but in fact it is very important when retaining information for long term memory and an understanding of the principles involved are important.

Even if you are familiar with one or two of these techniques already, I almost guarantee that you will not have come across virtual mindmapping before, anywhere. It uses every single one of the techniques to produce a rich learning and remembering environment.




Questions that you may have!


- Yes, but you must do so within 24 hours of the time I send you the email link.


Yes! Full information is included on the last page of the book'

Andrew Stuart Gray

Author of 'Advanced Memory techniques'

Note to Ebay

Please note, full rights have been granted by the author for re-sale of this item

Document info:

This document is an ebook, and is suitable for reading on both PocketPC and Palm devices with suitable free software installed (please see the website for details) as well as regular viewing on your computer screen.

Document length: 66 pages

Size: 537k

Format: PDF - adobe acrobat 5 and above recommended


*mindmap and mindmapping is copyright to Tony Buzan

ONLY $5.00

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What’s Hiding in Your Mind?

Would you consider yourself to be a fearful person? Most people would probably answer no to that question, yet fear is one of the most common hindrances that people struggle with today. The reason for this discrepancy may surprise you: fear can easily disguise itself as seemingly logical beliefs, thoughts and feelings so you may not even realize it’s there.

Rather than using the word fear to describe their feelings, many people might choose words like doubt, concern, worry, anxiety, uncertainty, hesitation, apprehension, procrastination, distrust or unease.

Ultimately they mean the same thing as fear. There is a thought, feeling, belief, or possible outcome that makes you feel uncomfortable or threatened and you will instinctively avoid things that make you feel that way.

Here are some common fears that could be hiding in your mind:

Fear of Failure

If you have ever held back on a goal or avoided taking action that would lead to a positive outcome, you may have been fearful that you might fail. Fear of failure can be subtle because our minds can come up with endless excuses why it’s not a good time to take a risk right now, or how the odds don’t seem to be in our favor, and so on.

Fear of Success

It’s hard to believe that anyone could be afraid of success (isn’t success usually a good thing?) but it’s far more common than you might believe. Most often it’s not the success itself that people fear, but rather all of the responsibilities and uncertainties that come along with success. If you worry that you won’t be able to handle these things, you will resist putting yourself in a position where you would have to face them.

Fear of Rejection

Fear of rejection is usually related to low self-esteem, but may show up in subtle ways. You may lash out at others when a possible rejection is imminent; sabotage relationships so you can be the one who rejects the other person instead of them rejecting you; or you may simply withdraw from social interaction to avoid the possibility of being rejected at all.

Fear of Not Being Good Enough

This is another fear that is connected to self-esteem, and it often affects everything you do in life. You may avoid making changes to improve your life; settle for a dissatisfying job that pays less money than you are capable of earning; or continuously sabotage your goals. If you don’t believe you deserve to have better life circumstances you won’t allow yourself to create them.

Once you have identified one or more of these fears, you can begin diffusing them with mind and body techniques that will calm your emotions, relax your body and get your thoughts flowing in a positive direction again. For most people this will be an ongoing process because our minds become conditioned to respond to fear stimulus and it will seem to happen automatically for some time. However, getting into the habit of addressing the fear in new healthy ways should set a new pattern to minimize the conditioned responses and even eliminate them over time.

Alternatively download the new Free ebook – 22 Powerful Tools To Transform Your Fear Into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration. Click Here – Crammed full of valuable tips, exercises and ideas – it could be the most important ebook you read this year.

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