The concept of "right brain left brain" refers to the two hemispheres of your brain. Some amazing experiments involving people who've had the corpus callosum cut taught us most of what we know about the differences between the two sides. The surgery is performed on epileptics to reduce the incidence of seizures, and it isolates most of the right hemisphere from the left hemisphere.
For a typical experiment, a divider allows a participant to see two objects - say, a cup with the right eye and a lemon with the left. When asked what they see, they'll say they see a cup, and nothing more, because most people process both language and information from the right eye with their left brain (left hemisphere). However, when they write down what they see, using their left hand, they'll write "a lemon," because both the left hand and eye are controlled by the right side of the brain.
Of course, you have only one brain, and the two hemispheres work together normally. These split-brain experiments show how distinct the two sides really are, though. When the corpus callosum is cut it's as if there really are two brains. What have we learned from these experiments then?
Left Brain
For more than 90% of right-handed people and 70% of left-handed people, the left hemisphere:
- Processes things more sequentially.
- It is more rational, logical, analytical, and objective.
- It looks at the parts.
- It handles normal speech.
If you want to stimulate and strengthen the thinking processes of your "left brain," talk about things as logically as you can. Also, picking apart an argument or something you read can exercise this part of the brain too. While there is little hard evidence as to the effects of specific exercises, talking or working on your analytical skills are safe things to do, so experiment freely.
Right Brain
Again, the following is true for most people. The right hemisphere:
- Handles thing in more random and subjective manor.
- Is responsible for "hunches" and other intuitive processes.
- Looks more at wholes, and is best at pattern-recognition.
If you want to exercise your "right brain," sing. Stutterers find that they don't stutter when they sing, because it is handled differently than regular speech. writing or reciting free-form poetry and studying maps may help as well. Again, these are not proven by scientific studies yet, but there is no danger in experimenting in these areas.
Right Brain Left Brain Dominance
Most of us seem to favor one style or another of thinking, and this may be an indication of the dominance of one or the other hemisphere. For exmple, it seems likely that the choice between joining the debating team or the art class in school has something to do with which side is dominant. You have probably noticed that left-handed people, who presumably have a more developed right hemisphere, are more often artists.
If you want to be more "whole brained" in your approach to things, you can start by working on your weakest areas, using some of the tips above. Also, you can bring both sides into whatever you do. For example, metaphors, a right-hemisphere process, can be used in logical (left hemisphere) debate. Artistic work can include more analysis. Can this really help balance your thinking? Probably. Time and more research will tell. In the meantime, it can't hurt to more fully use your right brain and left brain.
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I believe using affirmations as contemplative reminders of who we are helps keep us balanced. It is a first step in claiming your self-worth which is the foundation of true self value.
Your true self is not defined by any external circumstances – it is the power within you to create the life you choose. It is the part of you that is one with the Divine. It’s non-negotiable and the one, great equalizer between all men and women. We’re all made from the same soul substance, equally valued and divine. It makes sense to think of our entire universal operating system as the All.
Identifying with imagery of our source makes us feel more connected within a world filled with disappointments, distractions, and strife and many who choose to negate their true self. We need to see ourselves reflected in images of the Divine we can relate to – it reminds us of who we are. Remember, you came here to learn, evolve your soul, and grow your ability to demonstrate your nature through a physical experience.
We are in charge of manifesting a world which is a product of our collective thought processes. If we don’t value ourselves, we’re going to demonstrate a devalued world. We will create a world that is less than worthy of what we can be, our creations won’t serve the greater good. Lacking self-worth is faulty thinking …and is reflected in our relationships, workplaces, and even communities. Consequently, we do not realize our power, and feel powerless… and continue to live within experiences that diminish our power because that is where we decided to mentally reside.
Life is a soul journey filled with both intellect (what is in our minds) and our emotion (our expression and physical presence). Our job is to use the power that is in our minds and our bodies as a vehicle of expression for what we think! It is the very reason we are here. So , be sure to value yourself and joyously appreciate this lifetime. It is a wonderful opportunity to express your nature, here and now. You are evolving your soul, and the intellect of the Divine, through your human experience – the joys as well as pains. It’s our greatest challenge, our soul work, our very reason for signing on for this ride. So , how can knowing the Goddess help?
Among Her many facets, She symbolizes our experience in the physical world as a cyclical, sacred, and transformative journey. It’s a way we complete our self-development. When we integrate both aspects of our existence, we are not just valuing our transcendent aspect. We are deeply valuing our immanent aspect, our time spent on earth to demonstrate the Divine through what we do. She is represented as Emotion, or Mother God, as Her counterpart is the Intellect, or Father God.
The true self has both elements, yin and yang, or the masculine and feminine. You are also a composite of the physical, and the mental as a total experience of who you are. You are matter and you matter. You are worthy when you believe you have self-worth. And, you have an opportunity to harness your already wonderful capabilities, which is the God/Goddess force within you. It is searching to demonstrate itself through you.
We all have our own individual channel the Divine operates on—it just a matter of how we choose to think. So , to affirm this image of co-creation of the life force we all share:
I am conscious of who I am, I am my true self. I am both Mother and Father. I am loved and beloved, and I am in love with my true self. My self-worth is a reflection of my true power, which reaches everywhere at once. I am a marvelous spark of the Divine and celebrate my remarkable learning journey. I am timeless, living without boundary, and full of my beautiful, unique, and divine self.
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People with low self-esteem rarely live their life to the full. They distance themselves from others, and are thus denied their love and support. They rarely, if ever, make full use of their abilities. Instead, they end up brooding about the injustices of life. Such people are a loss to themselves, their family and to society. Some of them even take to crime, alcohol and drugs.
Invariably, people with low self-esteem are uncomfortable with success. They tend to believe that they don't deserve success, and they have no clue as to how to savor success. At the same time, they do not hesitate to blame themselves if things go wrong. They take sadistic pleasure in telling the world that they knew things would go wrong. This is an important symptom of low self-esteem, and needs to be treated at the earliest.
People suffering from low self-esteem also have the habit of putting themselves down. They repeatedly tell themselves that they are not good enough and that they are bound to fail. Over a period of time this negative self-talk turns into a negative self-belief. More than that, they try and implant these seeds of negativity in people around them. They also gravitate towards people who suffer from similar problems. The end result is that they feed on each other's negativity, and become much poorer individuals than they initially were.
A high level of dissatisfaction is another indicator of low self- esteem. There are people who spend all their time complaining. They neither see a positive thing in others nor in themselves. This cynicism eats away their self-belief, and erodes their self- confidence. In contrast, people who value their abilities enjoy high self-esteem.
Also, people with low self-esteem spend most of their time brooding about the past and worrying about the future. They don't spend enough time living in the present. As a result, they don't enjoy the present, even though it may be full of success. The net result is that they prevent themselves from enjoying life, and make themselves unhappy. It finally becomes a vicious cycle that feeds upon itself, and prevents them from breaking out of their negative mould
such people are rarely relaxed and at ease. They keep looking for different jobs and lines of work. The reason why they are always looking for something else to do is that they are lack self- confidence. They drift from one crisis to another, and blame fate for their woes.
A few of them take to alcohol, drugs, food, sex etc to get a temporary "high". But this rarely helps them in the long run. They fail to generate a sustainable feeling of happiness and contentment.
People with low self-esteem also have problems getting close to others. They are not comfortable with intimacy and create barriers to prevent people from coming close to them. They don't like to open up to people and to reveal their innermost thoughts. They may be nursing some old bad experience with someone who caused them a lot of pain or who let them down when they were most vulnerable. By forcing themselves to live in a world of self-denial they are doing a great damage to themselves. They fail to benefit from the company of others, and keep entrenching themselves deeper and deeper into their negative world. They may ultimately reach a stage where they may be declared beyond salvage.
But this is not good for society. People with low self-esteem must be helped. Their symptoms must be diagnosed, and help provided if they have to be turned into useful members of society. This help can be given by family members, friends, teachers or by trained psychologists.
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Prosperity Scriptures Get FREE CDs on Prosperity and Success And Get Free CD How to Empower Your Children for Success Which will increase your Faith for Finances.
If you will send me through our website and send me an e-mail with your name and address I will send you in the mail Absolutely Free 5 great CDs on God’s Word for financial increase.
Psalm 23: 1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. This is a wonderful passage in the Bible because here David is telling us that because he has made God his shepherd, everything he needs or desires will be provided for him and he shall not be in want of anything. If you made God your shepherd God will provide for you the same way He provided for David.
Psalm 37: 25 I am young and now am old and I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread. Are you concerned about your children? If you are, as so many people are, you can take comfort in this verse because David is telling us that not only will God provide for us but he will provide for our children as well if we are righteous.
We know from Second Corinthians 5: 21 that says; for he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him. If you are born again, God considers you to be righteous and this verse pertains to you and your children. What a wonderful promise!
Philippians 4: 19 but my God shall Supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Many people believe the Scripture pertains to everyone but it does not. If you read the entire chapter you will see that Paul was speaking this over the Philippians who had given to his ministry.
When you give to a person’s ministry such as your Pastors or an evangelist, that person has the authority to speak this verse over you. When you partner with a ministry the authority figure in that ministry has the scriptural right to speak this verse over you and should be doing so. I speak this verse over all of my partners and over all the people in my church. That is one reason the people in my church are so prosperous.
Psalm 35: 27 let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. Can you imagine, the Lord God who created heaven and earth and the universe and all of the stars takes pleasure in your prosperity? I want to give God as much pleasure as I possibly can while I am here on this earth and if He takes pleasure in my prosperity, then I want to be as prosperous as I possibly can be.
Psalm 115: 16 the Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Repeat this verse out loud and substitute the word me for the word you and read it like this. The Lord shall increase me more and more me and my children. Repeat this verse out loud10 times every day for 40 days and your whole world will change for the better.
Matthew 6: 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. In this verse, Jesus tells us that if we put God and his righteousness first in our lives that God will provide everything we need and there is no need to ever worry about anything. Read versus 25 through 33.
3 John 2 beloved, it is my wish that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. This verse tells us beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is God’s will for us to prosper and be in health. If you believe anything different then you believe wrong and you need to change what you’re thinking, what you are believing and what you are speaking about yourself.
Look at these two words in this verse, even as, which means that God is going to prosper us even as our soul prospers. This means that God will prosper us at the same rate that our soul prospers. You can prosper your soul in the area of prosperity by listening to God’s Word on prosperity and the more you hear the more faith for prosperity you will have and the more your finances will increase.
Psalm 37: 19 they shall not be ashamed in bad times and if there is a famine they shall be satisfied. A famine is a recession like the one we are going through right now in this country and it could get a lot worse. God’s Word says that he will provide for us no matter what happens in the economy. I can live with that. As a matter I can live very well with that.
What you should do is print out this article and read all of the Scriptures out loud every day until they become part of your spirit and then you will see an increase in your finances. You should also be listening to God’s word on financial increase as much as you possibly can.
If you contact me I will send you in the mail free of charge 5 CDs on financial increase just to get you started. One of the CDs will be entitled “How to empower your children for success”.
God wants to take pleasure in your prosperity.
Jimmy says God wants to prosper all of his people but he will only prosper you at the same rate that your soul prospers.
By Jim Kibler