Thought has been the subject of many wonderful books. My earliest exposure to the power of thought was through James Allen's book, As a Man Thinketh In this little book the author reveals how your thoughts create harmony or chaos in every aspect of life.
Thoughts affect us in a number of ways. Thoughts are a vital tool in creating the reality we experience. They create our emotional states. They affect our bodies and, therefore , our health. Thoughts influence our responses to life and our relationships. Thoughts determine our choices.
Take a moment to write down three thoughts you have had today. Do not make this too complicated. Simply write down three thoughts you have had in the last 24 hours. Any three thoughts will do. Please do this before you read the next section. It will help you to apply those ideas to your life.
Categories of Thoughts
Thoughts can be divided into three broad categories: what I want, or positive thoughts; what I can do, or action thoughts; what I don't want, or worry thoughts. Most thought is about the future or the past. Very few of us are able to stay centered in the present moment. For the sake of clarity, let us assume I have an upcoming surgery that is occupying most of my thoughts. If I am thinking about how fortunate I am to have an excellent surgeon, I am thinking positive thoughts. If I am thinking about the activities I need to do to prepare for the surgery, I am thinking action thoughts. If I am thinking about what can go wrong in surgery, I am thinking worry thoughts.
Worry Thoughts
If you were surprised to find most of your thoughts were worry thoughts, you are not alone. Most people are not aware of their thoughts. They go through the day with uncensored mental programming playing in the background of their minds. They experience feelings and reactions that they do not understand.
They believe their emotions and thoughts are something that happens to them; something over which they have little or no control. Many people feel it is their duty to worry. They adamantly defend their worry thoughts. They believe that if they do not worry they have not done all they could to prevent something negative from happening.
These people resist positive thoughts because they see no value in them. In their mind thoughts cannot affect the outcome of a situation, so why waste time thinking positive. It is almost as if the negative thoughts are preparing them for the worst possible scenario. For most worry thinkers, such mental activity is learned behavior based on faulty information about the power of thoughts.
Let us examine some of the premises upon which worry thinking is based. Note which of the statements listed below seem true to you. These may be some of the beliefs out of which your worry thinking has developed.
My thoughts are a reflection of who I am. I cannot control them, they simply happen to me.
You are not your thoughts. Thoughts are an activity of your mind. You have the right and the responsibility to choose your thoughts. Your thoughts are based on the things you believe about the world. They are a perfect reflection of your core beliefs, not your True Identity. At some point in your life you accepted certain belief systems out of which your thoughts are formed. You can change your beliefs and your thoughts.
Many of my thoughts are unconscious; therefore , I can not know what they are.
Thoughts are readily available in your mind. You may not easily see them because you do not consciously listen to your thoughts. You allow them to play repetitively in the background of your mind. When you focus your awareness on your thoughts you will be amazed at what you spend your time thinking.
My thoughts have no effect on my emotions or the events of my life.
Emotion follows thought. If you are thinking positive thoughts you will feel hopeful and uplifted. Worry thoughts create fear and anxiety. Worry thoughts inhibit the flow of energy blocking you from taking action in your life. Positive thoughts stimulate activity, assisting you in transforming your life. Worry thoughts keep you from seeing options, blinding you to possible solutions to your problems. Positive thought relaxes your thinking processes allowing you to see new ideas and recognize opportunities.
The fear and anxiety caused by worry thoughts will flow into your personal relationships, creating discord and conflict. The joy caused by positive thinking will improve every aspect of your life. Positive thought enhances the body's immune system, while worry thoughts inhibit the body's natural healing response.
If I do not worry, I have not done all I can to prevent disaster from happening in my life.
As I mentioned earlier, worry thoughts inhibit action. Action thoughts are fundamental to preventing disaster. When you have taken all the action there is to do, thinking positive thoughts is the most productive action you can take. There is no positive benefit to worrying.
If I spend all my time thinking positive thoughts and disaster comes anyway, I would have wasted my time.
I believe faith and positive thought create positive events in your life; but , even if that were not true, thinking positive thoughts has tremendous benefits for you. Positive thoughts create healing, produce enjoyable emotions, and reduce the stress in your life. Positive thought stimulates you to look for solutions to your situation and increases the energy you have to take action. Positive thought makes the journey worthwhile no matter what the outcome.
Someone once asked me, a spiritual teacher, what would happen when she died and found out she was wrong about the philosophy of joy she was teaching. I laughed and said, "You mean what would I do if I discovered I had been having all this fun for nothing? " I am sure you can see the absurdity of the question!
If I don't worry, I won't be prepared for the worst possible scenario.
If the worst possible scenario does happen, you will have plenty of time to be upset when it arrives. Spending months in anxiety does not prepare you for anything. You can not pre-experience emotions caused by a disaster. Worrying ahead of time will simply weaken you, limiting your natural ability to cope with crisis or loss.
Thoughts As A Tool of Creation
If you want to learn to soar above every situation in your life, you must learn to use your thoughts to create the reality of your choice. Earlier we discussed the way thought affects our emotions, responses, and our ability to see options and take actions. Thoughts, combined with emotion, create specific outcomes in your life. You can use thoughts to create the events in your life and not simply to affect how you respond to events life brings to you.
Thoughts combined with emotion are fundamental to creation. When people first learn about the power of thought, they fear every passing thought. It is not random thoughts which create your reality; it is those thoughts you predominately have which produce such a powerful effect in your life.
Creating reality with thought is similar to the process of hypnosis. You must focus all of your attention on the thoughts of what you want to create. Combined with an intense feeling, your thought goes forth to produce what you desire.
In the process of guiding a particular client recently... I shared the following with them, with faith that it would help to empower them to become more conscious of their thoughts, and how much the thoughts you have, really DO impact your life. After thinking about what was written... when I gave it some thought, I realized that this applies to many others as well, so I wanted to share it here too ( I don't think my spiritual student would mind):
Science and Metaphysics agree. The essence of all things is vibration. Science reveals that everything in the manifest universe is ultimately composed of packets of energy; quantized units vibrating at specific frequencies. Esoteric wisdom reveals that in the beginning, all things were created through sound (i. e. vibration); whether it be the "OM" of Eastern mysticism or the "Word"/Logos of Western spirituality.
Our thoughts, feelings and actions also have their own particular rates of vibration. These vibrations will set up resonance with whatever possesses identical frequency. In other words, your thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe.
This is why it is so essential to be a close observer of yourself. As you think, feel and act, so you create the primary vibration of your being. This fundamental vibration then creates resonance with identical vibration frequencies in the universe. The result is an attraction of circumstances, people, challenges and opportunities in exact vibrational resonance with your own dominant vibration frequency.
This principle lies at the heart of visualization techniques, affirmations and the whole personal development movement. When you visualize and repeat affirmations, you are helping to tune your very being to a specific vibrational frequency on the inner planes. Once that task is achieved, your mind comes into vibrational resonance with the object of your desires. Being now of the same frequency, this object (or goal) is inevitably attracted into your life.
However , for such methods to work, it does imply that you have changed your core vibration. This is very often the problem AND explanation as to why such techniques seem to fail for so many people. Over the course of many years, your inner conditioning is created from the habitual thoughts, feelings and actions that you engage in. This forms your self-image and creates the level of self-esteem you feel. It shapes the way you conceptualize the world you live in, as well as the way you respond to it. It is how you interpret your life experiences.
If a person simply mouths affirmations or writes goals out, without having touched the deep bedrock of their long-term conditioning, such activities will not have much effect. This is because the dominant vibration has not changed. You cannot go against what yourself-image, and your predominant conditioning, say you are.
Thought is where it all begins. As your conscious mind dwells habitually on thoughts of a certain quality, these become firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant vibration. This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. This is easier to understand if you consider that from the metaphysical view, the whole universe IS MIND.
Hence, to draw what you wish into your life, you should begin with the mind, and make it your primary focus. Most people do things the other way around, and come up with practical techniques to generate their desires, and then go out and try them. However , when these methods are not in tune with your dominant vibration, then you will have great difficulty making the desired results come to pass. You will also feel most uncomfortable if they do. You have trained your mind in a certain way, you have set the thermostat at a certain level, and now you are trying to exceed the limits you have set upon yourself by sheer force.
The trap most people fall into is that they condition their future with expectations from their past. It's like driving with your eyes fixed on the rear view mirror the whole time. You cannot see where you are going because you are too busy looking back on past history.
Is it any wonder that, for most people, the future DOES closely resemble the past?!
The problem is that, by focusing continually on what you have become as a result of past conditioning, you guarantee that you draw this same dominant vibration into the future. This is also why your desired future can seem so far away from you. It is vibrating at an alien frequency and hence, in a real sense, it IS very far away.
Instead, you have to first change the dominant vibration within. Once your dominant vibration is in harmony with what you seek, the latter must literally be "attracted" to you without excessive striving! It will seem easy in comparison to what came before. In a very real sense, you have to become what you seek on the inside before you can ever have it in physical reality.
There are several ways to gradually change the dominant vibration of your inner being, and begin to resonantly attract what you seek. One important thing to do is to have a clear vision of your life as you want it to be; completely independent of the circumstances of your present or past. Lack of absolute clarity about their desired future could well be the number one reason why people fail in life.
You are creating something new from the universal intelligence, and drawing it into your reality. You do NOT have to base this upon the past, your perceived weaknesses, or anything else that derives from your limited self-image.
A good way to gain clarity is to write down in detail the attainment of what you seek. What would it look like? How would you feel if you achieved it? What difference would it make to your life? It may take you days, or even weeks, to create this vision, but it is
time well spent.
By creating a vision of your desired state and putting energy into it regularly, you use mind power to shape the very stuff of creation. You create this imagined "reality" in your mind to the point where your subconscious actually believes it to be physical reality and goes about making it so. It will attract the circumstances, the people, and the opportunities you need to bring about the vision you have created.
If you are doubtful about this, consider for a moment that you are doing this anyway. The only difference is that you may be unaware you are doing it. If so, your overall vibration is incoherent, and hence your results fluctuate wildly. By becoming conscious, you take conscious control of the creative process and can learn to manifest at will.
Another way to change your vibration rate is to act "as if". If you had already attained what you seek, how would you think and act?
Well, start thinking and acting that way right now. Again, this helps to impress the dominant vibration you choose upon your subconscious mind. Again, you have been doing this all your life anyway. Simply take conscious deliberate control of the process from now on. For instance, Cary Grant is known to have said: "I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became him. "
Taking time to meditate regularly on the truth that all is vibration, seeing this reality in all its myriad guises, will also help reinforce it upon your mind - both conscious and subconscious. You will begin to believe it, and what you believe is what you act upon.
The reason most people achieve very little in comparison to what they are capable of is because they have no vision for the future whatsoever. Focused, single-minded concentration upon a vision you seek to create is what will actually cause it to happen. You have to read your description every day (preferably twice or more), and then vividly imagine it. Begin to live that reality now in your mind's eye, and you make its future manifestation all the more rapid. Do not even worry about how it will happen. Just do your part and let the universe, through the law of vibration, do the rest.
Fact - we do create our own reality primarily, individually, then in mass. Most do see that as true. We were given that by the creator of All That IS, or God if you prefer. The ultimate and unlimited power of creativity in this world. It is called Free Will.
Fact - thought is EVERYTHING. Thought is the process we utilize to create reality. Speech is the creative "force" that manifests that reality into Being. You ARE what you think you are. For as you believe so shall it BE.
Fact- There has been a change in consciousness, the awakening has indeed arrived, the human experience will never be the same again. We are at the threshold of forever, as one has said the next level. And It, IS, SO. Whether you believe that or not, doesn't matter. It will not change now. There will be a new heaven and a new earth wherein there should be time no longer. A world without sickness, disease or the aggressive nature man developed in the "beginning" of time.
Yes we DO indeed create our own reality. So how far can you take that? I say, as far as you want! It IS your choice for ultimately it's YOU who creates your tomorrows.
Look around you! What are the masses creating in these days? Can you afford to allow this to be your world? But you are NOT of this world nor AM I. Yes, we are in the world but we are not OF this world. You ARE different and you know that. Truly you are a "new creation". Behold! All things become new, old things are passed away. You see things that are not, as though they WERE. Peace is what you see. Not the peace this world speaks of but peace of mind. For that IS your inheritance.
Don't be conformed to this world but be translated, "transformed" by the renewing of your MIND to know what that good and acceptable perfect will of God IS.
There has been a change of consciousness, The mind is renewed daily. Even on this physical plain. So how could you ever go back to those limiting thoughts?
The only thing I would like to add from a personal standpoint, is that you can not and should not try to use your "mind power" to interfere with the free will of another person. I'm not implying to do this, but some individuals get the idea that this is possible and then become disappointed when it doesn't happen, therefore , thinking the process doesn't work. This technique should be used for yourself and nothing more. Use it to improve your life... if you do that, everything else will follow. You will attract the vibration you send out Like attracts like. Self work is most important during this time.
Figure out who you are and what you want. What you believe to be reality will be your reality. This is true in our physical 3-D world and in the other realms. It is always your choice What you want is what you will receive. Be aware of your thoughts, hopes and dreams.... Make your reality what you want it to be!